Get your company working smarter, not harder

Get your company working smarter, not harder

27 Jul 2018

Many small and medium companies struggle to allocate time for all necessary work. People come up with ideas for improvement but the resources are not in place to take action on those ideas. Let’s not forget that time is an essential resource and should not be wasted any more than money.


In many environments, staff have to spend time on cleaning duties that have not been optimised for efficiency. The right hygiene solutions mean there is less scrubbing, sweeping, wiping and mopping, saving time. Vacuuming and mopping do not only happen faster but also with better results. You also get white linens in the first wash, clean tableware in the first wash, and so on.


Optimised cleaning means that skilled workers are relieved from spending too much time on tedious duties, and can focus on ones they can truly add value to. These can either be other hygiene duties or a completely different aspect of their work. You need to ask yourself what your staff could achieve with an extra hour a day.


More attention can be put into non-urgent cleaning, such as weekly or monthly. These tasks may get put off far too long because they are not required as often. We all know from personal experience how off-putting it is to be in the role of a customer and notice a spot of cleaning that has been missed repeatedly, such as dirty windowsills or cobwebs in the ceiling. Such sights do not make you excited to get into your hotel bed or tuck into your restaurant meal because they raise suspicion about what else you might find.


Not only can your staff put their effort into getting these details right but furthermore, they can spend more time on providing a good customer service experience. In a small business environment, where the same person has to wear multiple hats, more efficient cleaning also frees up time for duties in many other categories, such as learning or administration.


You should be asking yourself how time is best used in your company. It is a resource often wasted despite being one of the most precious ones.
